Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Diretor pro tempore: Clemilson Berto Junior

Possui graduação em Farmácia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e mestrado em Farmacologia e Química Medicinal no Laboratório de Avaliação e Síntese de Substâncias Bioativas (LASSBio) pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmacologia e Química Medicinal do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da UFRJ e doutorado em ciências pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em endocrinologia da Faculdade de Medicina UFRJ. Foi bolsista do NIH e Post-doctoral Research Associate no Center for Sickle Cell Disease (Howard University Hospital) da Universidade de Howard. Atualmente é professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Farmácia da UFRJ-Macaé, onde ensina hematologia fundamental e hematologia clínica. É membro júnior da European Hematology Association (EHA), membro internacional da American Society of Hematology (ASH), orienta pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Endocrinologia da Faculdade de Medicina da UFRJ e é consultor do programa de Doença Falciforme do município de Macaé. Desde março de 2020 atua como voluntário na consultoria em ciência do programa sem fins lucrativos Favela sem Corona. Possui experiência em avaliação farmacológica (farmacodinâmica bioquímica e molecular), doença falciforme e hematologia. É Jovem Cientista do Nosso Estado (JCNE) desde 2023.>> Lattes Curriculum

Vice-Diretor pro tempore: Edézio Ferreira da Cunha Júnior

Possui graduação em Farmácia e Habilitação em Bioquímica pela Universidade Severino Sombra (Vassouras, 2007), Especialização em Farmácia Magistral pela Universidade Severino Sombra (Vassouras, 2008), Mestrado (2011) e Doutorado (2015) em Ciências pelo Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Atua em projetos de avaliação pré-clínica no desenvolvimento de fármacos, análise farmacocinética, análise bioquímica e análise toxicológica na área de doenças tropicais negligenciadas. Professor Adjunto do curso de Farmácia da UFRJ-Campus Macaé, área de Análises Clínicas. Desenvolve suas atividades de pesquisa no Laboratório de Imunoparasitologia da Unidade Integrada de Pesquisa em Produtos Bioativos e Biociências, Campus UFRJ-Macaé. >> Lattes Curriculum


Contatos: direcaoicf@gmail.com / direcao@icf.macae.ufrj.br

Coordenação de Curso

Contatos: coordfarmac@macae.ufrj.br / coordfarmac@gmail.com

Tel.: (22) 2141-4012

Professional Profile:

The pharmacist for its importance and influence that exercises in society must have a training not only technical, but also humanist, so that he can actually exercise his citizenship, respecting the ethical, political and social principles inherent in the professional exercise.

Pharmaceutical egress will therefore be equipped with the knowledge necessary for the exercise of professional attributions from which they stand out:

  • Research, development, pharmacological and toxicological evaluation, manipulation, production, storage and, control and guarantee of quality pharmaceuticals, such as: inputs and drugs (synthetic, recombinant, natural, biotechnology and other), pharmaceutical forms, cosmetics and cosmeceutics, sanitants and domissions and correlates, nutraceutical and foods of integral, enteral and parenteral use of pharmaceuticals and technologies applied to the health area, among others;
  • Development, validation and execution of issuing of analytical methodologies and techniques, aimed at the control and guarantee of quality of pharmaceutical products and services in the laboratory of clinical or toxicological analysis; In the control, production and analysis of pharmaceuticals, drugs, medicines, food and nutraceutics, foods of enteral and parenteral use and food supplements, cosmetics and cosmetics, sanitors and domissions and correlates; sanitary surveillance; in pharmaceutical assistance, among others;
  • As an integral and essential part of a multidisciplinary health team, with generalist training allowing a broad view of pharmaceutical assistance, acting at different levels of individual and collective health care, in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), as well as in planning, Administration and Management of Pharmaceutical Services and Sectors, Sanitary Surveillance among others.

The student must feel a student-professional pharmacy since the beginning of the course in order to be motivated for the learning of the profession. Throughout the course he will be involved in internship activities, in the various areas of his training, which evidences learning in professional practice, being encouraged to learn to learn and not simply receive knowledge without criticism.

Participation in scientific initiation programs, laboratories, monitoring programs and practical classes, associated with mandatory supervised stages in the area of pharmaceutical sciences: drugs, medicines, clinical and toxicological analyzes, and control, production and food analysis are factors They favor the reach of the desired profile for egress, enabling it to pharmaceutical practice.

The formation of the nursing professional requires that due to the proper importance of the health and well-being of individuals and collectivities and requires the development of skills and skills to the nurse in Brazilian society.

The Pharmacist is the health professional who works with drug-drug and clinical, toxicological and food analysis in the social, scientific and technological aspects. The graduate of the UFRJ-Macaé Campus Pharmacy course should be able to exercise the specific skills and abilities, detailed in the MEC Curriculum Guidelines, which will provide them with a huge range of functions and opportunities extending to numerous public or private jobs.

Acesse aqui, o site do Instituto de Ciências Farmacêuticas.

  • Course duration: 10 periods / 5 years
  • Operating shift: late and night
  • Annual offer of vacancies: 100 vacancies (50 per semester school)
  • Modality: face-to-face
  • Student selection criteria: Vacancies offered by ENEM (Unified MEC Selection System)
Curricular grid:
Guidance and Academic Monitoring Committee (COAA):
Praise References: