The Multidisciplinary Center UFRJ - Macaé

O Centro Multidisciplinar UFRJ-Macaé totaliza nove cursos de graduação e dois cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu em nível de mestrado, e está constituído fisicamente em quatro polos: Universitário, Ajuda, Novo Cavaleiros e Barreto.

Undergraduate Courses - Licentiate

  • Chemistry

Undergraduate Courses - Bachelor Degree

  • Enfermagem
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Pharmacy
  • Medicine
  • Nutrition
  • Chemistry

Postgraduate Programs - Master Degree

  • Bioactive Products and Biosciences
  • Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching

Nossos números

Dados atualizados em 01/11/2023.

Nossa história:

In the 1980s, researchers from the Laboratory of Limnology of the Institute of Biology at UFRJ began scientific activities in the coastal lagoons of Macaé. This work culminated in the institutionalization of the Research Center in Ecology and Socio-Environmental Development (2005). This led to the creation of the Licentiate Degree in Biological Sciences, the first undergraduate course at UFRJ outside its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro (2006). In this process, the Chemistry Institute, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Anna Nery School of Nursing, the Faculty of Medicine, the Institute of Nutrition and the Polytechnic of Engineering were motivated to create graduate courses in Macaé, consolidating the University Hub of UFRJ-Macae. In 2008, the University Council approved the institutionalization of the UFRJ-Macaé Campus with its Norms and, in November, there was the first consultation with the academic community to choose the Campus Direction.

On July 8, 2021, in a remote session, the University Council unanimously approved the creation of the UFRJ-Macaé Multidisciplinary Center, a great advance for the development of the university's activities in the region.

The history of the formation of the Center in Macaé is due to the pioneering spirit of professionals linked to education who dared to internalize UFRJ, constituting an integrated and non-departmental structure, and the partnership between UFRJ and the Municipality of Macaé. Thus, the Teaching-Research-Extension tripod is established in the north of Rio de Janeiro, the main commitment of this University to Brazilian society, favoring quality university education, respectful of the most varied forms of knowledge and committed to citizenship.

Onde estamos:

Polo Universitário:

Endereço: Avenida Aluízio da Silva Gomes, 50 – Bairro da Glória

Macaé – RJ – CEP: 27930-560

Polo Ajuda:

Endereço: Estrada do Imburo, s/n – Ajuda

Macaé – RJ – CEP: 27971-525

Polo Barreto:

Endereço: Avenida São José Barreto, 764 – São José do Barreto

Macaé – RJ – CEP: 27965-045

Regimento do CM UFRJ-Macaé

RESOLUÇÃO Nº 13, DE 12 DE AGOSTO DE 2021. Aprova o Regimento do Centro Multidisciplinar UFRJ-Macaé da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Clique aqui para acessar o Regimento.


A UFRJ Campus interiorized in the Lagos region of the State of Rio de Janeiro has as a priority mission to establish teaching, research and extension in the north of Rio de Janeiro, pillars that support the university, favoring, in this region, a quality university education. According to the Proposed Five-Year Plan for Institutional Development of the Rectory of UFRJ, Edited in March 2006, it is highlighted that the purpose that justifies the existence of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and that guides its strategic objectives is to provide Brazilian society with the means to dominate, expand, cultivate, apply and spread the universal patrimony of human knowledge, enabling all its members to act as a transforming force. More specifically, the University aims to complete the student's integral education, preparing him to:

— exercise higher-level professions;

— value the multiple forms of knowledge and expression, technical and scientific, artistic and cultural;

— exercise citizenship;

— critically reflect on the society in which you live;

— participate in the effort to overcome social and regional inequalities;

— commit to building a society that is socially just, environmentally responsible, respectful of diversity and free from all forms of oppression or discrimination based on class, gender, ethnicity or nationality;

— fight for the universalization of citizenship and for the consolidation of democracy;

— contribute to national and international solidarity.

Como chegar

University Center
De ônibus

No Terminal Central de Macaé, embarcar no ônibus do Sistema Integrado de Transportes – SIT Macaé – na linha T51 (Terminal Central x Terminal Parque de Tubos) ou linha T61 (Terminal Central x Cavaleitos – Via Firmas) e desembarcar no Polo Universitário, em frente ao Shopping Plaza Macaé.

Embarcando no Terminal Parque de Tubos as linhas serão T51 (Terminal Central x Terminal Parque de Tubos) ou T23C (Terminal Lagomar x Cavaleiros – Via Shopping).

Rota da BR-101 até o Polo Universitário

Partindo da BR-101, seguindo pela RJ-168 (entrada de Macaé), até o Polo Universitário – CM UFRJ-Macaé.

Partindo da Rodovia Amaral Peixoto (Praia dos Cavaleiros) até o Polo Universitário – CM UFRJ-Macaé.

Ajuda Center

De ônibus

No Terminal Parque de Tubos, embarcar na linha T23 (Terminal Parque de Tubos – Lagomar) e descer no ponto em frente ao Polo Ajuda.

No Polo Universitário,  embarcar na  linha T23 no ponto em frente ao Shopping Plaza.

Partindo da BR-101, seguindo pela RJ-168 (entrada de Macaé), até o Polo Ajuda – CM UFRJ-Macaé.

Partindo da Rodovia Amaral Peixoto (Praia dos Cavaleiros) até o Polo Ajuda – CM UFRJ-Macaé.

Barreto Center

No Terminal Central de Macaé, embarcar no ônibus do Sistema Integrado de Transportes – SIT Macaé – na linha T11 (Terminal Parque de Tubos x Terminal Lagomar) e desembarcar no Centro de Convenções de Macaé, em seguida entrar na Av. São José do Barreto e caminhar cerca de 500m até o Polo Barreto.

Embarcando no Terminal Parque de Tubos ou no Terminal Lagomar a linha será a mesma, T11 (Terminal Parque de Tubos x Terminal Lagomar).

Rota da BR-101 até o Polo Barreto


Partindo da BR-101, seguindo pela RJ-168 (entrada de Macaé), até o Polo Barreto – Nupem. 

Rota da Rod. Amaral Peixoto até o Polo Barreto

Partindo da Rodovia Amaral Peixoto (Praia dos Cavaleiros) até o Polo Barreto – Nupem.